Last Minute Study Tips for Effective Test-Taking

Last Minute Study Tips for Effective Test-Taking

Preparing for the ACT early is a great tip, but when you have other priorities, you might overlook it until the last minute. But cramming isn’t always a bad thing.

Some studies find that cramming can help students remember information, particularly if they go through everything on the test day. But for long-term memory, you want to space it out.

Even so, here are a few last minute study tips to help you achieve satisfactory scores despite the lack of time.

Use Flashcards

Flashcards are a great way to study information in bits, allowing you to take them in slowly. It works best when you’re going through data that uses lots of vocabulary and definitions.

Moreover, you can take flashcards almost anywhere. This means you can spend as much time as you can going through the information until the time for the test!

Study with a Buddy

Some people might be easily distracted when they study on their own. If so, it helps to do it with a buddy or around more people.

When looking for a study buddy, make sure you find someone who shares the same energy as you. This way, you can both pay close attention to your reviewers without worrying about distracting each other.

You can also head to your local library or co-working space. Not only do you get a change of environment, but you can stay focused and motivate yourself in the company of others.

Go Through Videos

Watching videos can improve learning, especially when you’re in a time crunch. Moreover, it helps you understand and remember complex concepts better with the use of visuals.

Note that the type of videos you go through can also affect how much you can retain. If you’re working on several courses at once, it’s best to go through shorter lectures or summaries. You can also focus on parts that you aren’t familiar with or are still confused about to save time.

Practice Active Studying

You want to start incorporating active studying into your usual routines for better results. It includes taking quizzes, practice exercises, and tests without constantly referring to your notes.

Through this, you can determine how well you understand concepts and see if you can apply them. The better you do, the more familiar you are with the topic.

Not only do you get a better grasp of the lesson, but you also practice critical thinking. So, you can go through difficult questions with more confidence.

Learn to Manage Time

Managing your time is crucial, especially in reducing your stress. It refers to creating a clear and realistic schedule of what to go through and how long.

Additionally, it can refer to how fast you take to answer questions, if you’re taking practice tests. For this, an ACT testing timer helps you by giving you a simulation of what the timed test may feel like.

Optimize Your Space

Clearing your study area helps you more than you think. Evidence shows that a messy desk can cause more distractions and affect productivity. On the other hand, clean spaces make way for better focus, information processing, and moods.

Consider cleaning up your desk before you begin studying to make sure you keep yourself concentrated. At the same time, it helps you retain and remember important points with ease!

Achieve Higher ACT Scores with These Last Minute Study Tips

Last minute study tips are the key when you run out of time to prepare for the ACT. While spacing out information is a foolproof plan, these alternatives are a great way to ensure you can still get satisfactory results!