ACT Testing Tips to Effectively Achieve Your Goals

ACT Testing Tips to Effectively Achieve Your Goals

Test-taking isn't always about how much you can remember and understand. With a timed test like the ACT, it's also about the strategies you take. How you approach each section...

ACT Testing Tips to Effectively Achieve Your Goals

Test-taking isn't always about how much you can remember and understand. With a timed test like the ACT, it's also about the strategies you take....

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Make the Right Preparations: What to Do the Day Before the ACT

Make the Right Preparations: What to Do the Day...

The day before the ACT can be one of the most nerve-wracking moments. Because of this, it's easy for you to overlook important things. To stay prepared, it helps to...

Make the Right Preparations: What to Do the Day...

The day before the ACT can be one of the most nerve-wracking moments. Because of this, it's easy for you to overlook important things. To...

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Retesting Rules: How Many Times You Can Retake ACT Exams

Retesting Rules: How Many Times You Can Retake ...

Most tips imply that you should prepare for the ACT like it’s a one-time thing. But it helps to know that you can retest whenever necessary. The ACT gives you...

Retesting Rules: How Many Times You Can Retake ...

Most tips imply that you should prepare for the ACT like it’s a one-time thing. But it helps to know that you can retest whenever...

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College Prep Timeline: How Long Does It Take to Get ACT Scores Back?

College Prep Timeline: How Long Does It Take to...

Taking the ACT is usually only the first step in your journey as a college student. Right after, you’ll find yourself waiting in anticipation for the results. Knowing when to...

College Prep Timeline: How Long Does It Take to...

Taking the ACT is usually only the first step in your journey as a college student. Right after, you’ll find yourself waiting in anticipation for...

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A Brief Guide to Basic ACT Grammar Tips

A Brief Guide to Basic ACT Grammar Tips

Most English speakers tend to overlook the value of the basics when it comes to test-taking, especially with English and writing. But in reality, they pay close attention to these...

A Brief Guide to Basic ACT Grammar Tips

Most English speakers tend to overlook the value of the basics when it comes to test-taking, especially with English and writing. But in reality, they...

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ACT Science Section Tips: What to Expect on the Test

ACT Science Section Tips: What to Expect on the...

By now, you should already know that the ACT has four primary sections, including Science. But it’s important to know a few things about it before you start studying and...

ACT Science Section Tips: What to Expect on the...

By now, you should already know that the ACT has four primary sections, including Science. But it’s important to know a few things about it...

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How to Master Time Management When Taking a Timed Test

How to Master Time Management When Taking a Tim...

For some people, studying is more challenging than it looks. A survey conducted in 2023 found that almost 9 out of 10 students in the sample felt stressed about their...

How to Master Time Management When Taking a Tim...

For some people, studying is more challenging than it looks. A survey conducted in 2023 found that almost 9 out of 10 students in the...

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Boosting Skills: Essay Writing Tips for High School Students

Boosting Skills: Essay Writing Tips for High Sc...

One of the common tasks you might experience as a high school student is essay writing. It shows up everywhere, from homework to tests. If you struggle with this, just...

Boosting Skills: Essay Writing Tips for High Sc...

One of the common tasks you might experience as a high school student is essay writing. It shows up everywhere, from homework to tests. If...

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