Finding Perfect Timing: When to Send ACT Scores to Colleges

Finding Perfect Timing: When to Send ACT Scores to Colleges

Are you creating pre-college plans to make sure everything stays on schedule? If so, you want to consider when to send ACT scores to colleges.

Your timing matters more than you might expect, especially if you want to leave room for error. So, how do you know the right time to send over your scores?

Here’s a quick guide to help you find the best timing.

Should You Send ACT Scores Early?

When you take the ACT, you can decide whether you have your scores sent the moment the results come out or if you would rather keep it. If you want to show the strength of your interest in your chosen college, many recommend sending your ACT scores early.

However, it doesn’t necessarily mean it gives your application an edge. In most cases, schools will simply store your scores in a file under your name until your application comes up.

On the other hand, if you plan on retaking the ACT, it’s best to hold onto your scores before sending them to colleges. This way, you can decide which ones to include when you send them later.

Can You Send Scores Past the Application Deadline?

Now, you might wonder what happens when your ACT scores arrive when the application deadline has passed. Usually, each school has a different policy when it comes to accepting late scores. Some may disqualify your application while others keep it to process for consideration.

Either way, the results are on a case-to-case basis and will ultimately depend on the college’s rules. So, it’s important to look into this as early as possible to ensure you meet the right deadlines.

It’s also good to consider applying to multiple colleges. This way, when you miss the deadline for one school, you still have chances at another.

How to Make Sure Your Scores Arrive on Time

Sometimes, you might encounter small lapses during the process that cause your scores to arrive late, among other delays. So, here are a few things to keep in mind to make sure they arrive on time.

Use the ACT Score Sending Inclusion

If you want to make sure your scores arrive on time, it’s best to have the ACT send the scores to your chosen colleges for you. While there are free options for this, you can also have additional score reports sent to other schools for an extra cost.

Follow-up with Your Chosen College

Most recommend waiting two to three weeks after the sending date to see if your chosen colleges received the reports. If it’s not available on the application site, you want to call or email them yourself.

If they report they haven’t received them, you can resend them by ordering new score reports from the ACT website.

Find Out When to Send ACT Scores to Colleges

Making sure your ACT scores arrive on time is crucial, especially when you’re in the middle of submitting college applications. But to ensure they reach your chosen school, you should know exactly when to send ACT scores to colleges. This way, you can create a clear plan on how to go about the rest of your days without worrying too much about errors and delays.