What is the ACT Test: A Brief Preparation Guide

What is the ACT Test: A Brief Preparation Guide

At some point, you might come across the ACT, especially when you’re aiming for a higher degree. In fact, you probably have a list of colleges you want to attend.

But before you get that far, you might ask, what is the ACT test? Here’s a quick look at what it’s for and a couple more details to guide you through.

What is the ACT Test For?

Generally, the ACT stands for American College Testing, which speaks for itself. College admissions use this exam to determine whether a student is ready to take on college-level materials.

You can think of it as a college entrance exam universities often select which students to accept based on the ACT and other admission requirements. A study shows that these scores can predict academic performance in college to some extent.

Because of this, it’s usually a benchmark for what universities look for in students. So, you want to know how much the school you’re applying for values your ACT score.

Why Should You Take the ACT Test?

Aside from getting a college education, there are a few other reasons you may want to consider taking the ACT. It includes the following:

  • Accepted by all universities: The ACT serves as the college entry test for all US colleges and universities, along with select schools around the globe.
  • Optional writing test: The test is optional since some schools don’t require a writing test during admission.
  • College readiness: This exam measures your general intelligence based on your education so far, identifying how prepared you are for college-level learning.
  • No penalties for incorrect answers: You only get credited for the answers you get right, so there’s less pressure to get everything correct.
  • Detailed score reports: It gives you detailed score reports, showing a separate score for every subject area and highlighting your strengths and weaknesses.

Who Can Take the ACT Test?

High school students in the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades interested in applying for college can take the test. For some schools, students must take the ACT whether or not they get into a university as an assessment test.

If you intend to take the exam sooner or practice for it, you may want to consider using testing timers to help you prepare.

How Much Does the ACT Test Cost?

The price of the ACT varies based on the option you desire. The basic choices are the ACT with no writing for $68 and the ACT with writing for $93.

For an extra fee of $25, you can change your test option before the deadline. You can also get other services for an additional cost, such as late registration, score reports, test information release, and score verification.

Prepare Early and Get Answers to “What is the ACT Test?”

Once you start preparing for a college education, you might have lots of questions running in your head. One of them may be, what is the ACT test? It’s a common query among students, especially for those who want to prepare early.

The sooner you learn about it, the better the idea you can get of it. So, you can keep yourself as ready as possible, whether through test practice or requirements. Not only does it help you boost your confidence, but it also lets you aim for the best results!